Why Choose Aromatherapy for Childbirth?
A comprehensive, evidence-based learning experience that empowers you with knowledge and skill. Accredited by the IFA, our course offers a blend of theoretical understanding and practical application, ensuring you are equipped with the expertise to safely and effectively work with essential oils. With interactive modules, access to seasoned professionals, and a focus on evidence-driven practices, our course stands out for its commitment to quality education.
AFC eCourse Info.
Aromatherapy for Childbirth aims to distill quality professional training into an affordable amount of time and at a very reasonable cost, accessible as an eLearning Course.
The AFC course has been accredited by the Royal College of Midwives (RCM), and by the International Federation of Aromatherapists (IFA).
The pre-recorded, self-paced lesson format enables you to complete it in your own time to fit around your work, family, and other commitments. Tutors are on hand to answer questions and assess submitted work.
On successful completion, you will get a certificate and be awarded 7 CPD points, as well as a whole load of new skills and ideas to help care for women in labour!
NHS and group discounts available
Getting Started
This course offers midwives, doulas, their students, and others working with birth the opportunity to safely use essential oils in a variety of ways to help women and their birth partners to manage the challenges of labour.
You will need some oils and equipment to complete the course. However, if you already have some lavender essential oil, you can enrol and start the first eCourse module straight away.
How Much Does it Cost?
Individual places £110 per person
It pays to study with friends!
Group discounts available:
5 or more 10% discount: £99.00 pp
30 or more 20% discount: £88.00 pp
30 or more via SMC*: 30% discount: £77.00 pp
*Student Midwifery Society
Please submit requests for group bookings here:
The Key Benefits
Progress Tracking
Keep an eye on progress and developmental success throughout the 7 week course allocation period. No surprises!
7 CPD Points
You will be awarded 7 CPD point on successful completion and certification of our eLearning course, accredited by the IFA
Endless Support
All the help you need on hand via our desicated tutors or the online user forum
Self-Paced Course
Learn on your lunch break or cram on your commute. eLearning courses to complete where you want, when you want
Team Managers
A single point of contact in your team with the ability to manage progress, assign courses and maintain resources
We are delighted to have been approved for Australian College of Midwives CPD Endorsement. A big welcome to all new Australian midwives, doulas, students & birth workers!
Frequently Asked Questions
Last Revised: April 18, 2024
If you don't find the answer you're looking for here or require further information, please feel free to contact us at info@aromaforbirth.com
Who is the course for?
The course is written for anyone working with women in labour. The majority of our learners comprise of Midwives, Student Midwives, Doulas, Student Doulas, and sometimes include Maternity or Health Care Assistants, Aromatherapists and Childbirth Educators. Those wishing to complete the course for personal use may do so, with the understanding that it is aimed at the professional user.
What does the course cover?
Both the e-course and teaching day provide detailed theoretical knowledge of five essential oils. A variety of applications are demonstrated including using blends of essential oils effectively. The course includes basic massage training and covers health, safety, legal and ethical issues.
Does the study allow you to practice aromatherapy at work?
Those successfully completing our course are certified as competent to practice straight away. Local Trust guidelines will advise as to whether completion of a recognised course, such as our RCM accredited one is adequate or if further in-house or other training would be required prior to using aromatherapy at work. Although it may be some time before you can use it at work if there is no guideline in place you will be in a position to advise women in your care who are using essential oils without training, to encourage its safe and effective use. We will also encourage and support you to implement a service if none is in place where you work.
Do you offer or recommend cascade training?
No. We feel strongly that we do not want the quality of our course to be diluted by cascading training. We are happy to provide you with details of a study day for your workplace, and you can book on to one of our open study days, when Covid-19 restrictions are lifted, or enrole on our e-course any time.
Do you recommend yearly updates of aromatherapy training?
There is no need for yearly ‘top up’ training following our course. If a midwife considers herself competent and confident to continue to use aromatherapy in the way we teach it. We are however working on expansions to our course for those who have completed our course and are looking to build on their knowledge.
Our Trust doesn’t have a guideline on use of Aromatherapy. Can you help?
We work with individuals who are keen to get a service up and running in their Trusts to encourage and support their efforts. We have written a sample guideline which is free and available to our course attendees to help write theirs. We also network with midwives in areas where it is already in place to learn how the successful implementations came about. We encourage Trusts to make policies which enable midwives who have attended quality training courses to practice if they are certified and deem themselves to be competent.
Do you support 'Continued Professional development' (CPD) ?
For those of you collecting points, completion of our Aromatherapy for Childbirth course earns you 7 CPD points.
How does compliance and accreditation work in the UK?
There are no nationally agreed guidelines on Aromatherapy use in childbirth, nor is there a UK wide accepted policy for implementing the application of aromatherapy by midwives. There are a number of providers of NHS care where pioneering midwives have gained training, written guidelines and have integrated aromatherapy into their maternity service. It is important, when working for NHS Trusts and other employers that you have guidelines for aromatherapy in place and work within them.
Can I become a member of the International Federation of Aromatherapists (IFA)?
You can become an Friend member of the IFA to enhance training and knowledge, receiving the journal, granted access to research, discount off events, products and supplies www.ifaroma.org
How long do I have to complete the eCourse?
You have a total of 7 weeks to complete the couse. However, we encourage all students to aim for completion within a 6 week perios, to allow for grading and resubmission should they be unsuccessful initially.
What if I don't complete within 7 weeks?
Don't worry! If you can't find the time to complete within the allocated seven week time period, you can extend your mambership with our monthly subscription for just £20 per month. Please remember to halt your subscription payments once you have been certified and downloaded any supporting material you may require.
How do I assign a 'Team Manager' for our group?
If you are a member of and NHS Trust, of part of a large study group, you can assign a Manager to be a 'point of contact' and streamline communications. They will also have the ability to assess and appraise your team's course progress. Please contact us directly with the name and contact details of the person that you would like to assign as your 'Team Manager'.
Do I need anything before starting the e-course?
Yes, please see the free introductory parts of the course, which explain these in detail – such as sourcing your own quality essential oils. You can source everything you need from our online shop.
Where can I buy the essential oils?
Everything you need, including the organic essential oils, is available in our Professional Online Shop!
Are there ID requirements or an age limit to enter the event?
Yes. Students attending the in-person study day are to bring ID please.
Do I have to bring my printed ticket if I am attending the study day?
Please bring it electronically on your phone or printed out.